Apr 13, 2011

Fourth Picture for the project

Title: The Future of planet Earth.
Idea: The planet earth will run out of water due to the excessive usage
Original pictures:

 Final product:

 Idea: The planet earth will run out of water due to the excessive usage.

 Another environment issues is excessive use of water. The  Picture presents  the excessive use of water by a tap that is opened to the extreme (as a message of using a lot of water ). this will cause  the water on the planet earth with finish. And if people did not do something about, we will have problem in the future.

1- Create new window filled with a black background by using paint bucket tool.
2- Use the selection tools like (rectangular marquee tool, elliptical marquee tool and magic wind tool or any appropriate selection tool). Cut the parts from the original pictures and put them in the new window.
3- To make water inside the globe picture, cut some part of the water's picture and put it above the globe then apply the blending option (overlay).
4- To give light effect from filter menu select render option then lens flare option
5- Type the text and add layer style to it to make it appealing like ( drop shadow , bevel and emboss, gradient overlay and satin)

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