Mar 15, 2011

First picture for the project

Picture title :Green Environment.
Idea:some animals gathered together and state their opinion for conserving the enviroment by sculpturing  the ground
Original pictures:

Final product:

Idea: some animals gathered together and state their opinion for conserving the enviroment by sculpturing  the ground

 The picture represent a vision some animals gathered together and state their opinion for conserving the environment by sculpturing  the ground. The idea of having animals to object is that because humans being don't listen to each other and what we do on the environment is effecting the other creatures like animals .

  1. Create new file
  2. Open the grass picture
  3. Drag the grass picture to the new file,then name the layer "grass 1"
  4. Duplicate the grass picture and  name the layer "grass 2" ,hide the layer to be used later
  5. Write the sentence " green environment earth" and name the layer "text 1"
  6. Duplicate the layer and hide it to be used later and name the layer "text2"
  7. From the layer window  make sure that the "grass 1" layer is above the "text1 "layer
  8. Right click on the "grass 1" layer and choose "create clipping mask", so that the grass go inside the text.
  9. Merge the two layers 
  10. Add some layer styles.
  11. Unhide the "text2"  layer and make sure it is under " text1 " and move it a little bit to the right side so it gives 3d dimension.
  12. Merge the grass text with "text 2" layer  .
  13. Use Transform à skew and Distort to give the effect that the text has been written on the ground.
  14. Create a new layer and draw a circle with brown color.
  15. Select the circle with the Elliptical Marquee Tool.
  16. From menu select inverse
  17. Then from select menu  go to Modify then  feather and insert 20  then press  delete
  18. Change the percentage of the Fill to be 70 from the layer window
  19. Unhide the "grass 2" layer, put it under the brown circle layer and apply Transform à skew and Distort to  it .
  20. Open the picture with river  and sky  , cut them and put them in the grass and text window.
  21. Cut the animals pictures and put them in the working window – to isolate the background of the animals pictures, use the magic wand selection and select the background and press delete . Then drag the animals' pictures to the working window.
  22. Create new layer and draw a rectangle using  Rectangular Marquee tool  , color it and put it under the Falcon – apply some layer style and write the text "No Environment
  23. Degradation".

DONE  :)

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